Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

More priorities for diamond revenue

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Following on from the post yesterday, here are more text messages from our subscribers saying how they’d like Zimbabwe’s diamond income spent:

Pay government workers sound salaries and pay outstanding debts eg IMF etc


Education is the pillar of all forms of production. Why should educators be paid $190?


Priority 1. Civil svc salaries. 2 support for manufacturing industries. 3 social svces. Governance transformation.


The people wil nt benefit much b’cause of huori. I think they should upgrade the education and health systems, the vodzera macivil servant, kuti tisakaura nekubvisa maincentives ematicha, vana vadzidziswezvisvunu.


Should pay civil servants vatambura nguva refu veduwe


Zesa, education and health care.


Gvt shld invest that money in key sectorz of the economy, 4 the betterment of our country.


1st develop manicaland for the benefit of these people


Civil servant salary, education & health empowerment


Pay its civil servants to reduce brain drain and improve the social standards of the servants and eventually the povo will benefit.


The Govt must prioritise sad state of civil servants and pensioners packages and fight corruption in and out

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