Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

147 phone calls

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A Kubatana subscriber is convening meetings with residents in Avondale in Harare to discuss local problems and how to solve them. Here’s a small excerpt from his report illustrating the lack of vigour and interest on the part of our City Council to rectify water leaks while, when we turn on our taps, nothing comes Out.

Stan was there, and reported back on the ‘leak’ (flood) coming out of the Reps Theatre property since the beginning of October 2009. This is not a Reps leak, it is the city side of the meter, and is city pipes. It is a large flow (considering a major water main runs up East Road under them), somewhat reminiscent of a small stream. The count to date – Reps have made 147 phone calls to the City to repair and stop our water loss. The Director of Works went out to see it in November. However, now, mid January, the water still flows, unimpeded and without the benefit of pipes! And without benefiting anyone in Harare.

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