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Tsvangirai must answer some questions

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Kubatana was copied in on an email written by Dale Dore, a Harare based activist, to Eddie Cross an MDC stalwart. In his email Dale suggested that the MDC are powerless in the unity government and because of the numerous transgressions of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) the MDC should declare the power sharing government dead.

We still have a dictatorship in place in Zimbabwe albeit with a bit more money than it used to have.

Tsvangirai can only cite certain successes because Zanu PF has facilitated them. Anything vaguely unpopular with Zanu PF doesn’t get to see the light of day.

Jonathan Moyo in an article published by The Nation, in Kenya, called the unity government “self indulgent” and that Tsvangirai is “now groping in the dark  in a desperate search for non exist benchmarks of success.”

Tendai Dumbetshena writing for The Zimbabwe Times asserts that Mugabe has something sinister in mind, but then again when hasn’t he? Tendai does ask some very direct questions that we must insist on being answered. We don’t expect the true blue dictator Mugabe to do so but we do expect Tsvangirai to step up to the challenge:

The Global Political Agreement (GPA) was signed on 15 September, 2008 – seven months ago. All issues pertaining to political reforms and human rights were contained in the GPA and Memorandum of Understanding that preceded it. Why do these issues remain outstanding after such a long time?

What is so difficult about repealing repressive legislation such as POSA and AIPPA? Why the delay in allowing the media to operate freely? Why does the government need an extra 100 days to, for example, lift the ban on international networks such as CNN, BBC, SKY and South Africa’s eTV. The above list of banned foreign media is by no means exhaustive.

Why do some MDC and civil society members still face charges for crimes that were not committed while those who actually murdered and tortured people have not been brought to justice? Where are the seven missing MDC members?

When will Roy Bennett be sworn in as deputy Minister of Agriculture? Will it also be done within the next 100 days? When will the endless talking stop and actual deeds begin?

Assurances from Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his ministers count for nothing. In a major speech about three weeks ago the MDC leader threatened to arrest those who continued to invade farms and disrupt production. The mayhem continues and not a single person has been arrested. It is his people who languish in jail. The people who enforce law and order have disdain for Tsvangirai.

The MDC leadership must get real. It is excited beyond measure by the new titles, cars and other trappings of office. Its view of this inclusive government is defined by the material benefits it has yielded to those in government.

Tsvangirai and his colleagues must wake up from their comfort-induced slumber.

Serious people never allow themselves to be victims of naiveté or blinkered optimism. There is something sinister brewing in Mugabe’s mind. There is something sinister being hatched within Zanu-PF. If the MDC continues to act as if it has a genuine partner in this charade called an inclusive government a terrible fate awaits it.

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